Aileen Reynolds
Board Chair
Executive Director of Housing Opportunity, New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Fordham University
Aileen is a long-time volunteer with The Bronx is Blooming with significant non-profit and government experience in the affordable housing industry. Aileen began working with The Bronx is Blooming while obtaining her Bachelor’s degree in general science and sociology at Fordham University’s Rose Hill Campus. She was a member of the original staff that launched the PLACE program in the summer of 2013. Upon graduating from Fordham, she continued to work and volunteer with The Bronx is Blooming as a consultant, until beginning her career in the affordable housing industry. Aileen has worked in both the Bronx and Harlem, helping to manage low-income housing projects benefiting from city- and federally funded programs.
Currently, Aileen works for the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development. She is responsible for overseeing the marketing and lease-up of a diverse portfolio of affordable housing projects for people of various income levels and clients currently residing in shelter across New York’s five boroughs. Aileen’s experience working with public-private partnerships has provided her with a unique perspective on structuring policies and programs intended to bring about greater equity in New York City.