Donate to Us
Your contribution creates lasting impact and positive change!
Join us in our commitment to support Bronx youth, preserve parks, and protect the environment.
Tree Steward
When you become a Tree Steward, your support helps The Bronx is Blooming care for our urban forest one tree at a time.
Consider sustaining our programs with a recurring donation.
Native Plant Protector
When you become a Native Plant Protector, your support helps The Bronx is Blooming plant one ecologically beneficial species for every invasive species we remove.
Consider sustaining our programs with a recurring donation.
Garden Revitalizer
When you become a Garden Revitalizer, your support helps The Bronx is Blooming care for an entryway or small pollinator garden in our Bronx parks.
Consider sustaining our programs with a recurring donation.
Environmental Educator
When you become an Environmental Educator, your support helps The Bronx is Blooming provide an environmental education component to all of our youth and community-based programming.
Consider sustaining our programs with a recurring donation.
Mentorship Mobilizer
When you become a Mentorship Mobilizer, you support a monthly summer stipend for a college Project Mentor with The Bronx is Blooming.
Consider sustaining our programs with a recurring donation.
Urban Canopy Creator
When you become an Urban Canopy Creator, your support helps The Bronx is Blooming grow and protect the Urban Canopy for the next generation.
Consider sustaining our programs with a recurring donation.