A key part of our work is empowering community members to undertake green space revitalization in their own neighborhoods.
Through Grow, Revitalize, Engage, Educate, Nurture (GREEN), community members learn how this revitalization work impacts the environment, in addition to creating beautiful green spaces. The Bronx has the highest percentage out of any borough, with 24% of the borough consisting of parkland. However, much of that land is consolidated in a few large parks that often lack accessibility to low-income families and communities of color; this also makes environmental efforts in larger parks harder to access. GREEN is focused on smaller and more accessible parks that sit in the heart of our communities. Many of these parks are understaffed and under-resourced. As previously stated, most of these parks do not have a single gardener assigned, meaning that the gardens and greenspaces within the parks are often under maintained. To combat this issue, GREEN teaches volunteers and students how to participate in community gardening, while also educating them about the impact it has on their environment.